Thursday, 24 February 2011

Acceptance from Outside or From your own Conscience

Why we seek an acceptance from outside. Is it in a human Nature?

Whenever we decide to do something,we think of any idea...We always search for someone outsider for acceptance...

Are we looking out for advice/suggestion or ACCEPTANCE?

Is this not true that whenever we think about doing anything..We ask our conscience first..Then why we seek for Acceptance?

Does this Acceptance mean Social approval from parents/family/society?

Can ,I call this fear of doing something from your own mind/Fear of thinking beyond/Fear of being called Unique?


  1. IMHO people seek social approval and acceptance to be felt included, sometimes it has more to do with fear of rejection than feel good.

    Life Time Experience is something which you'll cherish for rest of your life, hasn't experienced so far. :-)


  2. Thanks for your comment Sudhir.I am happy that you read.

  3. and yes
    its actually ACCEPTANCE
    its just way of putting things together and saying..
    I want to do this.. but pls you also approve..
    so that whatever be the result in future
    i will discuss this with u

  4. 2 points :-
    Please end with what you have started .. Life time experience is entirely different thing.
    Acceptance :- Man is social animal.. And being social, he needs to have acceptance of others. As far as I am concerned, I do feel a surge of confidence once I gain acceptance for my actions. So I do not think acceptance is something to loathe about, rather acceptance is something we should view as positive feedback. It could be as simple as my acceptance of your thoughts, or as complicated as parents' acceptance of a spoiled brat of theirs. So as you see, just like 2 sides of a coin, acceptance does have 2 faces. Now it is your choice, which face are you connecting yourself to. I would like to add that acceptance is not something that you need to have. It is just something that give you comfort: Comfort of having someone who you think understands you.. Nice train of thoughts I must say.. Keep on writing..

  5. Thanks vivek, i agree to the point that it is your choice,which face are you connecting yourself to.

    Appreciate your words..:)

  6. i think we need acceptance as much as we need conscience. You have to choose which one to prefer when there is a conflict. Either you can develop a strong conscience which can answer all your questions or you can look out for acceptance and act accordingly...another way of looking it is whether you want to carry an ego...if you need acceptance and do not get it, you ego is hurt. but if you grow a conscience, your ego is intact...

  7. all from your words what i understand is.. I am confused..:p
