Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Lost And Found- My Little Technical Brain

Once upon a time,there was a Brain...
He knew only how to play..how to smile..how to make others life miserable...

Entire day,Thinking hard about naughty acts...

Everyday, wake up with a beautiful smile and spark in his eyes.....

One scary day , he started of making his personal weird thing name "Dictionary".....
His first words ..."Mamma","Papa"...

And the day came when he went out of his world to add more words in his dictionary...and get himself into "Education"...

Things were going well..ALL WAS WELL..Till he added a new word "Computer"...and He lost...

Started dreaming of earning in pounds(:p)..seeing himself in BIG World of Computers...sitting in front of big screen..playing with excel..

According to the Computers world..he changed his name to...TECHNICAL....

And now where is he...NObody knows...

To be continued....:p


  1. loved this concept of makin nd fillin ur own dictionary as nd whn things happen in ur life ...gr8 idea grl :)

  2. :)..get an idea sirji..:)

  3. heh...looks like u r pissed off with all the progress we have made...computers and all.

  4. hehe..I am pissed up with my own brain..:)..so much to learn and so much to deliver but in less time
